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As Hazel Tucker puts it in her own words Hazel Tucker was blown away by how beautiful the centrefold model was and she realized that she wanted to be like this model. A pivotal moment in Hazel Tucker’s life occurred when she was 13 years old and saw a Playboy magazine for the first time. Hazel Tucker has mentioned in previous interviews how she tried to ‘be a boy’ at school. So where did it all begin? Originally from Northampton, Massachusetts, Hazel Tucker initially struggled to understand her sexuality and gender identity. In fact, Hazel Tucker won “Best New Face” at the 2008 Tranny Awards as well as “Best Performer” and “Best Website Model” at the 2009 Tranny Awards.Ĭlick here to watch Hazel in “America’s Next Top Tranny #3 (2009)” at Devil’s Film Over the years, Hazel Tucker’s sizzling scenes for Devil’s Film, Evil Angel and Grooby have earned her a devoted global fan following as well as many “Transsexual Performer of the Year” and “Best Transsexual Performer” nominations at the AVN and Nightmoves Awards. Hazel Tucker is a gorgeous former TS pornstar, camgirl and model who made her industry debut in 2008. Tattoos : A butterfly design across her lower back Hometown : Northampton, Massachusetts (US) Evil Angel : Hazel’s Movies Grooby Girls : Hazel’s Sex ScenesĬlick here to watch Hazel in “American SM X #6 (2014)” at Evil Angel Hazel Tucker – Personal Info

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